Forward for Vocational School Grade XI is written based on Kurikulum 2013. The learning method in this book emphasizes observing, questioning, associating, experimenting and communicating. This book often requires team work, so the students will interact to each other and also actively seek knowledge from various credible sources. The sequence of four language skills listening, speaking, reading and writing are adapted to the learning materials in each subchapters.
Features of the book:
Learning Focus, contains of the list of learning targets.
The Common Expressions in Learning Focus.
Easy Does It, contains some questions to help the students develop their self-trust.
Pronunciation Focus, contains accentuated pronunciation.
Worksheet, contains individual tasks for the communicative learning method.
Spread the Knowledge, contains information about culture and the prevalence of language.
Essential Grammar, contains grammatical theories in each subchapters.
Do It Accurately, containsgrammatical exercises in each subchapters.
Wordbook, contains vocabularies or expressions.
Now I Know, contains a summary and detailed information on the type of texts.
Reflection, contains the students assessment in the form of a table.