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Leap for the World: From a Bank Clerk to a Global CEO

Oleh Mee Kim
Berat 0.32
Tahun 2015
Halaman 246
ISBN 978-979-461-950-6
Penerbit Yayasan Obor Indonesia
Sinopsis          Buku Sejenis
Harga: Rp80.000
Dikirim 2-5 hari berikutnya SETELAH pembayaran diterima. (Senin s/d Jumat, kecuali hari libur)


A young Korean woman with a heart full of passion and determination made a leap for the world by setting out on an impassioned quest for her lifelong career. Emboldened by the lonely days of studying abroad in Australia and undaunted by the challenges she faced working in foreign countries, she became the successful founder and CEO of her company, CEO SUITE. With 18 centers throughout Asia (as of 2015), she is an inspiring example of hard work, faith and perseverance.

Mee has appeared in many broadcasts including Age of Global Success by KBS Korea, The CEO by MBN Korea and The INNERview by Arirang TV. Her business has been featured in hundreds of global media channels such as New Straits Times, Business Times, Asian Wall Street Journal, Cosmopolitan, and Far Eastern Economic Review. She received an annual Alumni Award of Merit (2008) from Yonsei University Korea and Future Female Leaders Award from The Women’s News (2011). She is a Founder of the CEO SUITE Charity Foundation; a vice president of the Korean Chamber of Commerce in the Republic of Indonesia; a member of WPO (World President Organization), Indonesia Chapter; and a member of ANGIN (the first Angel investors in Indonesia). She also served as a President of Sudirman Rotary Club in Indonesia and founded Learning Farm Indonesia (an organic farm/learning center for street children).
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