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Teaching And Learning English As a Foreign Language In Indonesia

Berat 0.24
Tahun 2023
Halaman 108
ISBN 978-623-08-0148-8
Penerbit Rajawali Pers
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Based on the Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 14 of 2005 concerning Teachers and Lecturers, it is stated that teachers and lecturers should have the following competencies: pedagogic competence, personal competence, social competence, and professional competence obtained from profession institution education. These competencies are then translated into: (1) the ability to plan learning, (2) the ability to carry out good learning, and (3) the ability to assess the results of learning. To support the ability to plan learning, teachers and/or lecturers should understand the concept and the essence of curriculum, the syllabus, and the lesson planning well. To carry out good learning, teachers and/or lecturers, in addition to master the content of the subject matter, should also be familiar with several approaches, methods, and techniques of teaching. Last but not least, teachers and/or lecturers should be able to fairly and objectively assess the results of learning. Having these competencies, the teachers and/or the lecturers can judge whether the objectives of learning previously stated through the execution of the learning plan have been attained or not. This book helps and facilitates the candidates of future teachers who are studying in the LPTK (Teacher Training and Education Institutes) and the newly recruited teachers who begin their career as teachers with some knowledge, skills and attitudes to become good teachers in general and especially for language teachers.
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