PART 1 INTRODUCTION 1 A. English Status in the Curriculum of Indonesia 1 B. The Outcomes of English Language Teaching in Indonesia 10
PART 2 SYLLABUS DESIGN IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING 15 A. Curriculum and Syllabus 15 B. Syllabus Design Models 18 1. The Models of Syllabus Design in ESP 19 2. The Models of Syllabus Design in Language Curriculum Development 24
PART 3 NEEDS ANALYSIS IN SYLLABUS DESIGN 31 A. Needs Analysis in Theoretical Perspectives 31 1. The Concept of Needs Analysis in ESP 32 2. The Concept of Needs Analysis in Language Program Development 36 B. The Systematic Procedures of Needs Analysis 38 1. Making Decision About the Needs Analysis 38 2. Gathering Information 40 3. Using the Information 43
PART 4 COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE AND SYLLABUS DESIGN 45 A. Communicative Competence in English Language Teaching 45 B. Syllabus Design Frameworks 50 C. Communicative Competence as an Alternative Approach to Syllabus Design in ELT 54 D. Genesis of Communicative Competence-Based Syllabus Design 57
PART 5 COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE-BASED SYLLABUS DESIGN 63 A. The Procedures of Communicative Competence-Based Syllabus 63 1. Step One (Preliminary Phase) 64 2. Step Two (Development Phase) 64 3. Step Three (Review Phase) 64 B. Implications of Implementing The Communicative Competence-Based Syllabus Procedures 66 1. Communicative Competence-Based Syllabus Design Model 67 2. A Framework for Communicative Competence- Based Syllabus 74
PART 6 METHODOLOGY OF DESIGNING COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE-BASED SYLLABUS 77 A. The Preliminary Phase 77 1. Making Decisions in a Needs Analysis 78 2. Gathering Information of the Needs Analysis 95 3. Using the Needs Analysis Information 124 B. The Development Phase 133 1. Selecting Syllabus Content 134 2. Planning Course Structure (Designing Syllabus) 138 3. Developing Instructional Materials 141 C. The Review Phase 169 1. Implementing The Instructional Materials in the Classroom 170 2. Evaluating the Outcomes of Learning 171