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Fundamental of Nursing (7th Edition)

Berat 1.61
Tahun 2009
Penerbit Elsevier
Sinopsis       Buku Sejenis
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Pelanggan yang Membeli Buku Ini Juga Membeli Buku Berikut:

Metodologi Penelitian Kesehatan
Soekidjo Notoatmodjo
Kesehatan Usia Lanjut dengan Pendekatan Asuhan Keperawatan
S. Tamher, Noorkasiani
Manajemen Keperawatan: Aplikasi MPKP di Rumah Sakit
Achmad Sigit Sugiharto


This book provides you with all of the fundamental nursing consepts and skills you will need as a beginning nurse in a visually appealing easy to use format. It is very important that you have a resource that includes all the information you need to prepare for lectures, classroom activities, clinical assignments and exam. This book was designed to help you succeed in this course and prepare you for more advanced study.
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<b>Sampun S.Kep</b>Sampun S.Kep, 03/02/2014
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