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Advanced Financial Accounting: An Indonesian Perspective

Berat 1.79
Tahun 2009
Halaman 908
Penerbit Salemba Empat
Sinopsis       Buku Sejenis
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Advanced Accounting—an Indonesian Perspective combines the Advanced Accounting Seventh Edition by Richard E. Baker, Valdean C. Lembke, Thomas E. King, and Cynthia G. Jeffrey, with the uniqueness of Indonesia’s business environment. The adaptor team consisting of well-experienced academicians from University of Indonesia and a practitioner from Bapepam-LK has adapted the texts by highlighting special features, such as:
  • The continuous comprehensive case of PT Induk and its subsidiary - PT Anak presenting comprehensive examples and discussions of the accounting and financial reporting issues that accountants face in daily practice.
  • The inclusion of all recent pronouncements of PSAK and ISAK, issued by Indonesia’s Financial Accounting Standard Board (Dewan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan—DSAK)
  • Discussion on various specific rules, procedures, and reporting requirements of Bapepam-LK, which affecting companies that wish to “go public” and issue stock or debt in the capital markets.
  • Adoption of the newest bankruptcy law—Undang-undang
  • No. 37/2004 regulating bankruptcy process of a company in Indonesia.
  • Special coverage on accounting for branch operations.
This book continues to provide strong coverage of advanced accounting topics and maintains the reputation as the current and contemporary advanced accounting text for students preparing for the future accounting carrers, learning current practice, or taking CPA Examination.
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