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The Power of Marketing: Practitioner Perspectives in Asia

Berat 0.64
Tahun 2008
Halaman 346
Penerbit Salemba Empat
Sinopsis   Daftar Isi    Buku Sejenis
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Power of Marketing is aimed to fulfill the needs of marketing textbook outlining principles of marketing in Asia perspectives. It is written by a true marketing with more than 25 years of professional experience in the field of brand management and sales management with numerous MNCs in Asia.

Her vast experience has led this book to have two dinstictive feature compared to other books:
1. Brief outline of Classic Marketing Theory
2. Combination between theories and real case of real companies in Asia
3. Combination of research among 1750 business executives

From fresh students aiming to understand principles of marketing to professionals aiming to refresh their marketing understanding, this book can offer numerous insights both from practical as well theoritical views.
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Daftar Isi

Bab 1 History
Bab 2 Domain of Marketing
Bab 3 Concept of Development
Bab 4 How Marketing Works
Bab 5 Planning
Bab 6 The Offer: Product
Bab 7 The Offer: Price
Bab 8 The Offer: Place- Distribution-Supply Chain
Bab 9 The Offer: Promotion – IMMC
Bab 10 Formulating The Strategic Business Direction
Bab 11 Managing R&D
Bab 12
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