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No Easy Way

Berat 0.61
Tahun 2014
Halaman 240
ISBN 9786020309637
Penerbit Gramedia Pustaka Utama
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An excellent book about a great country! Indonesia has made a lot of progress and we should ensure the progress continue to deliver prosperity for all. NO EASY WAY makes us more optimistic and cautious at the same time

— H.M. Jusuf Kalla; Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, 2004 – 2009 and 2014 – 2019

Wija is that rare breed of scholar who is able to marry intellectual rigor with a compelling voice and style that brings to life the challenges and opportunities of investing and doing business Indonesia. NO EASY WAY is a must read for anyone who wants to understand the economic path ahead of this great nation.

— Andrew White; Managing Director, American Chamber of Commerce, Indonesia

For the layman and expert alike, this book provides an understanding of Indonesia’s trajectory through the writings of one of the country’s most underrated economist

— Meidyatama Suryodiningrat; Chief Editor, The Jakarta Post.
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